Hull & Humber’s Top 30 Under 30

One of our Summiteers, Ellie Zealey, has been named one of Hull & Humber’s Top 30 Under 30!
This sought-after title is just the start of an incredible journey with the LEAP Programme, which challenges, encourages and supports high-performing talent. Ellie’s impressive achievements and dedication as a Senior Account Manager at Summit have earned her this well-deserved recognition. Here, she shares her inspiring story and passion for her career:
“In school I was always interested in business. I think I always knew where I was going with my career to an extent. Business as a subject combines a lot of traits and skill sets that I have, plus it combines a lot of the different subject areas I like. I was always quite academic, I enjoyed learning, I liked the creative side of things as well, which I think is where that marketing link comes in.
When I went into college, I knew I wanted to do business, I took psychology, which lends itself to business quite well and then I took maths and textiles, so I was covering all the bases and subjects I like. That’s why I ended up choosing what I chose and stuck with those subjects until I left and then obviously moved the business and marketing side into my university degree as well.
After I graduated, because I did a sandwich degree with a placement, I did get offered a role in the same company, but it wasn’t quite what I was looking for at the time. I landed my first job straight after university at Ideal Boilers and it was a really good introduction to the working world.
From Ideal Boilers, I think I honed in on what I wanted to do in my career. I ended up applying for a role in an independent jeweller and spent four years in that position, but then felt that I just wanted something faster pace. And I’ve been at Summit for a year and a half now!
One of the things that’s always been critical for me in my career is culture in the business and Summit definitely delivers on that angle. The environment of an agency was completely new to me, so there was a lot to learn from that point of view, but I’m happy with where I’ve ended up. I’ve had a few challenges along the way, but I’ve just taken that as an opportunity to learn. It feels really good to be in a career I know I wanted and to know that it does align with what I was thinking when I was younger.
If you’re not sure what you want to do in your career, what I would focus on right now is what you like doing. There’s always time to change, and the best thing you can ever do for yourself is find a career in something that you actually love doing. If you do something you love, you’ll never work a day in your life, which is cheesy, but I would say it’s 100 percent true.”
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